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Condom Card Scheme (C-Card)

Only condoms protect against STI’s and pregnancy, so make sure that you always have condoms with you and know how to use them safely.

At Luton Sexual Health we offer the Condom Card scheme where you can get condoms sent to you via post, or collect from local pharmacies free of charge.

C Cards come in two types:


Registering via phone

If you want to register for the C-Card or C-Card+ :

If you are aged under 24 – please call or message us on 07976406909 (female staff member) or 07976406912  (male staff member) and let us know you would like to register for a C-Card.

We will have a quick chat and take a few details to register you with Luton Sexual Health; once registered you will be able to collect condoms from the clinic, one of our distribution points or have them sent to you by post.

Requesting condoms via post

If you over 16, you are now able to request condoms online via your Patient Health Record


Condoms by Post will only be available via the PHR – The text messaging service will no longer be available. 

You can sign up to the C Card via phone and have condoms posted to you, if you see one of our Outreach Team at a Health and Wellbeing event or at some local pharmacies.

You can also sign up at Luton Sexual Health if you are attending for a booked appointment.


U25 C-Card Sites in Luton

Luton Central Library – St. George’s Square, Luton, LU1 2NG


Telephone: 01582 256666

Opening Times for Luton Central Library:

Monday, 9am-7pm

Tuesday, 9am-6pm

Wednesday, 9am-6pm

Thursday, 9am-6pm

Friday, 9am-6pm

Saturday, 09:30am-5pm

Sunday, 11am-5pm


Futures House – The Moakes, Luton, LU3 3QB


Telephone: 01582 512 555


Tokko Youth Space – 7 Gordon Street, Luton, LU1 2QP


Telephone: 01582 544990

Opening Times for Tokko Youth Space:

Monday, 9am-6pm

Tuesday, 9am-8pm

Wednesday, 9am-7pm

Thursday, 9am-6pm

Friday, 9am-7:30pm

Saturday, 1pm-4pm

Sunday, CLOSED


You can sign up to the C Card via text and have condoms posted to you. You can also sign up at Luton Sexual Health if you are attending for a booked appointment.
C-Card+ is NOT available at local pharmacies.