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Welcome to our LGBT+ Support Page.

Luton Sexual Health is an inclusive and sex positive service. We provide a safe, confidential space where you can discuss your sexuality and/or gender without fear of judgement or discrimination. Our team can support you to make informed choices about your sexual health and wellbeing, healthy relationships and consent or signpost you to other relevant services.

Our Sexual Health Service includes:

  • Full STI screening, including HIV, Hepatitis B and C (if at high risk & required)
  • HIV treatment, routine follow up and care
  • Contraception, including emergency contraception
  • Condoms and lube
  • Hepatitis A & B vaccinations (through assessment)
  • HPV Vaccinations
  • Assessment for PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV)
  • Assessment for PrEP (Pre Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV)
  • Contraception options for Trans and NB people
  • Cervical cancer screening for Trans and NB people
  • Safer sex support for anyone having sex who use drugs/alcohol/chems

We also support clients who may want to talk about the follow topics:

  • Exploring sexual orientation
  • Exploring gender identity
  • Coming out safely
  • Transitioning
  • Mental health
  • Healthy relationships
  • Stigma & discrimination

Find out more from our YouTube channel!


If you’re LGBT+ and would like to speak to someone, or you’re a professional contacting on behalf of a client, you can call or WhatsApp our LGBT+ Lead, Drew on 07976 406 912 (all calls are confidential). Below you will find some additional information you may find useful.



Sexual Orientation: 

Sexual orientation refers to who someone is sexually, romantically or emotionally attracted to. Some people’s sexual orientation can be fluid and they can be attracted to different people at different times during their life. For some people, they may have the same sexual orientation for the whole of their life.

It is normal to explore and experiment with your sexual orientation, more often during puberty with the development of sex hormones. How you feel and identify is up to you.


Most common sexual orientations: 

Heterosexual – someone who is sexually, romantically and emotionally attracted to people of the opposite sex

Gay –  men who are sexually, romantically and emotionally attracted to other men

Lesbian – women  who are sexually, romantically and emotionally attracted to other women

Bisexual – someone who is sexually, romantically and emotionally attracted to more than one gender

Asexual someone who doesn’t experience sexual feelings or desires or have any attraction to someone


Other recognised sexual identities: 

Pansexual – someone who is sexually, romantically and emotionally attracted to people regardless of sex or gender identity

Demisexual – someone who is only attracted to someone after they’ve formed a strong emotional bond with them

GBMSM – Gay, Bisexual, Men who have Sex with Men. This may include men married to women

GBWSW – Gay, Bisexual, Women who have sex with Women. This may include women married to men

Questioning – someone who is exploring their sexual orientation



Gender identity refers to a person’s understanding and experience of their own gender from a psychological and emotional perspective. Everyone has a gender identity which may, or may not, match the sex they were assigned at birth.

Gender can be placed onto a broad spectrum of different/alternative gender identities, other than just traditional male and female. These include identifying as Transgender, Non-Binary, Non-Gendered or Gender-Fluid (non-exhaustive list) and may involve some form of personal/medical/surgical transitioning.

If a person identifies as Transgender, this means that their gender identity does not match or is different from the sex they were assigned at birth.  Some people may describe this as feeling they were born into ‘the wrong’ biological body.

A person who identifies as Non-Binary experiences their gender in a variety of different ways. It may include: a combination of male and female elements; be neither male nor female; or mean identifying in an altogether different/original way. They may not want to use words associated with being male/masculine and female/feminine to describe their gender.

A person’s Gender Expression is the way an individual presents their gender. This can include the way the person dresses (which may not be permanent), mannerisms, their name and the pronouns they would like to be addressed by: he/him, she/her, or they/them.

Trans Umbrella by Fox Fisher



Coming out to people as LGBT+ even to close friends and family members, can be a difficult, stressful and anxious experience.

It is important that you tell others about your gender identity/sexual orientation, but only when you feel ready. This allows you to take control of the the situation and to tell people who you feel will be most supportive, non-judgemental and comforting.

On some occasions, you may find it difficult and want help from others to come out. We can help you to think about how you would like to do this and how to do this safely.

LSH Safety Plan – Andrew Trowbridge (LGBT+ Lead)



Discussions around having safer sex are really important, including discussions you may have with your sexual partners. Below are some considerations:

  • Regular testing allows us to identify STI’s and allows quicker access to treatment and care.
  • Ensure you use the right size condom and know how to use them correctly. Using plenty of lube (water based), will reduce the risk of the condom splitting. Condoms can also be used for oral sex and come in a variety of flavours and sizes
  • If you are sharing any sex toys with sexual partners it is advisable to use condoms to reduce STI risks. It is also advisable to clean all sex toys after use
  • If you are inserting your finger(s)/fist into someone’s anus, it is advisable to use plenty of lube (water based) and latex gloves to reduce injuring/causing pain to the person you’re having contact with.  Gloves will also protect you from any fluids in the partner’s anus (blood, secretions and faeces)
  • If you use any drugs/alcohol before or during sex, be mindful of how these can impact on your sexual behaviours – ability to consent, getting/maintaining an erection and ability to negotiate safer sex. If you are engaging in Chem sex, measure your doses carefully and precisely, particularly GHB. If you would like support around this please contact our health advisors on 01582 718959 or our LGBT+ Lead on 07976 406 912.
  • Access to PEP (post exposure) and PrEP  (pre exposure) to reduce HIV risk and discussions with partners about if  they  are using PrEP


Hepatitis B – vaccinations are available for people at high risk of the infection. This includes male/female sex workers, GBMSM, people who change their partner frequently and people who inject drugs

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) – vaccinations are able free at Luton Sexual Health for GBMSM/Trans women/non-binary people aged 15-45 who are sexually active or thinking about becoming sexually active who identify as GBMSM. The vaccine consists of 3 doses over a period of time.

Social Media Apps:

The increase in dating/hook up apps aimed at LGBT+ people has made it more important to stay informed of sexual health information. Remember to stay safe when meeting new sexual partners that you have only talked to online – let someone know where you are going, avoid eating or drinking anything given to you by casual sex partners, and leave any situation that is making you feel uncomfortable or anxious. If you turn up to meet someone and they do not look like the picture on the app, it’s ok to say no and leave.



There are lots of amazing local and national organisations that can support with sexual orientation and gender identity. If you feel that you need support or would like to talk to someone about how you are feeling, please have a look at the services below and make contact.



Luton Sexual Health LGBT+ Lead – Drew: 07976 406 912

Tokko – OK2B Group (Under 18) – OK2B – Tokko

Pride in Luton – Pride in Luton

Luton Trans+ Admin – Trans Admin group (

LGBT Bedfordshire – LGBT+ | LGBT Bedfordshire, England (

Rainbow Bedfordshire – Rainbow Bedfordshire Facebook

BLMK Better Days – BLMK Better Days Facebook

Q:alliance – Q:alliance | LGBTQ+ (



Galop UK (LGBT+ Domestic Violence) – Galop – the LGBT+ anti-abuse charity

Mermaids UK (Gender Identity) – Homepage – Mermaids (

Stonewall UK – Stonewall

Switchboard LGBT+ – Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline

Age Concern – LGBT+ Support

Childline (Under 18) – 0800 11 11